Prakriti + Vikriti

What many may know as the doshas of Ayurveda are actually combinations of elements (ether, air, fire, water, earth), and more specifically, qualities of that matter.

Most people take a dosha test and think their dosha combination is fixed. This is not the case! We have the constitution we were born with, known as prakriti, and the constitution that is effecting us right now, known as vikriti.  We compare the original constitution, prakriti, with the current constitution, vvikriti, to glean where imbalances may be manifesting.

In the table below you will see the familiar doshas, vata, pitta, and kapha. You can also observe their related elements and the qualities of those elements. When we are observing the state of our body or environment, we can refer to the qualities present and their correlation to the elements and doshas. This is very useful on a daily basis to adjust our food and activities.

Dosha Test

The Final Score

Take a look at your tally at the bottom of the test. In Ayurveda, we label doshas with numerical weight. Which ever doshas have the highest scores indicate the greatest presence of that dosha.

We label this from 1-3 (3 being the highest presence of the dosha).

A pitta-vata dominant prakriti will read as V2 P3 K1. A kapha-pitta vikriti will read as V2 P1 K3. And so on.