In-person and online Yoga classes via Zoom
Be sure to follow on IG, Facebook and Twitter to stay up to date on times and sessions.
Weekly Online Schedule
Spring 2024 Schedule
Tues | All-Levels Hatha Yoga | 6:00AM-7:00AM
Thurs | Breathwork + Meditation | 6:00AM-7:00AM
Sat. | Prenatal Yoga | 8AM-9:15AM
Sun | All-Levels Hatha Yoga | 7:30AM-8:30AM
Yoga-$20 | Breathwork + Meditation -$15 | Prenatal $25
Why practice with a live instructor when there’s so much content online?
It’s amazing to have so much at our fingertips. But when it comes to pregnancy, you are going to have questions and very specific concerns.
This may not be your first rodeo and yet things are so different from your last! Discussing all these new sensations, new feelings, and new aches and pains in real time can do what no amount of content ever will.
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Join me for in-person classes at Pause + Purpose Meditation Center in Westport, CT.
Hatha Yoga
Asana-Steady Postures
Asanas are the well-known physical poses in yoga. Arguably the most popular aspect of yoga in the west. Asana is but one of eight branches of Ashtanga Yoga-the cornerstone of the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali. Pranayama and Meditation (Dhyana) are two more branches.
The aim of the eight limbs is to establish a framework for living to bring the practitioner into union with higher consciousness, bliss, or the divine. This may not be the goal of all practitioners, but the pursuit of health in the physical body is nonetheless a common goal in most.
GroundWork Hatha Yoga classes are rooted in traditional yoga, mindful sequencing, breathing and relaxation. Classes are taught with variations for all levels and descriptions of physical, energetic, and mental/emotional benefits from the Yogic and Ayurvedic perspectives.
Pranayama-Breathing Exercises
Pranayama is the practice of controlling the breath and life force in order to balance the energy channels in the body.
In Yoga and Ayurveda, pranayama practices are used to bring the body and mind back to balance. If the thoughts are racing and the mind is over-active, certain pranayama exercises may be employed to calm the mind and bring the nervous system back to a state of calm. Alternatively, if the mind is dull and the body somewhat sluggish, other practices will help to shake off the cobwebs and provide revitalization.
In this class we will practice a variety of pranayama techniques and I will discuss how, when (and when not) to employ them in daily life. There is plenty of good science that backs up what yogis have been practicing for thousands of years and these aspects are discussed.
Pranayama can be one of the most effective practices to help restore balance to the body and mind, both emotionally and physiologically.
After we balance the thoughts and the prana through pranayama, we move on to the practice of single-pointed concentration (dharana) and meditation (dhyana). In the guided meditation class you will learn the basics of Vedic meditation.
There is a short discussion on an aspect of meditation as we center and quiet the mind and body, followed by a period of silent meditation.
“Yogas chitta vritti nirodha | Yoga is the cessation of the modifications of the mind”
Breath + Meditation Coaching
Available as single sessions and 4-session package.
Private instruction can be the fastest way to address individual roadblocks when it comes to breath work and meditation.
The majority of Americans breathe in such a way that we don’t access our full lung capacity, reducing available oxygen, nutrients, and life force. This goes on to affect digestion, sleep, hormones, and our mental and spiritual health.
Learn simple techniques to quickly alter physiology through proven breathing practices, ancient and modern, and set yourself up for a smoother transition into meditation.
This process establishes a relationship with the life force. Understanding this life force serves as your personal “canary in the coal mine” for illness and imbalance far in advance of symptoms.
So practicing meditation and breathing means you will never experience any illness? No, of course not. But it will help positively affect both your physical health during those times of healing as well as your ability to stay present and receptive in mind and emotion. All of which leads to holistic understanding of the root cause of imbalances or challenges.
$25-Single class-60 min
$95-4-Session Package
Always consult your physician before beginning any exercise program. This general information is not intended to diagnose any medical condition or to replace your healthcare professional. If you experience any pain or difficulty with these exercises, stop and consult your healthcare provider.