Do you dream of having brownies for breakfast? I know I do (and I DO!) I will confess, chocolate is the siren that continues to call me to the rocks despite not really working for my constitution. So, I had to find a way to make this work for me, because I wasn’t going to let chocolate go easily into that good night.
Enter Ayurvedic Brownies.
I was looking for a solution to satisfy (at least pacify) my chocolate desire but also not increase my kapha and pitta too much. Even a couple squares of dark chocolate can slow down my digestion and get my pitta flaring (processed cocoa is very heating and cocoa butter is very heavy).
For this reason, whenever I bake or make hot chocolate for the kiddos, I always use raw cacao because it is far less heating and actually quite cooling for pitta due to it’s bitter tastes. Though cacao can be drying for vata, we balance that with demulcent oats, tahini, and sweet potato in this brownie recipe.
Interestingly enough, this recipe is very low in sugar, high in fiber, and packed with vitamins. You will notice that your hunger will be kept at bay due to the slow burn of the low glycemic index ingredients. And with just a few chocolate chips sprinkled here and there, this is a whole food recipe!
This recipe for healthy brownies is one of the few things that are always available in my house. Give it a try and let me know what you think!
1 very large sweet potato or 2-3 smal ones
1 c Rolled Oats
1/2 c raw cacao
1/2 c tahini
1/2 tsp maple syrup
1/4 c oat milk (or milk of choice)
1/4 c chocolate chips
1 tsp baking powder
1/8 tsp salt
Bake a large sweet potato (or two smaller ones) until soft, let cool (can be warm). In a food processor.
Add rolled oats, raw cacao, baking powder, salt. Mix on high for about 90 seconds. I don’t mind if the oats are not fully ground to a flour.
Add tahini, sweet potato, and 1/2-1 tsp maple syrup (optional, can also add more to sweeten), and milk of choice. Mix for 1 minute until combined.
Taste the batter and add any additional ingredients (more cacao, syrup, etc).
If mixture is cool, add chocolate chips. Spoon into 8x8 baking dish. Top with choc chips. If batter is very wet, go for the 9x12. They will be a little thinner but will bake through